
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Holocaust In A Few Words (Décimo Dominical)

Holocaust In A Few Words
 (Discussion forum) The Holocaust: The Deconstruction Of European Jewry 

What is the Holocaust?

I Should quote the entire course of the "Holocaust: The destruction of European Jewry" to vent my explanation about the discussion that started in the forum, with the question: What is the Holocaust ?, I started with a figurative and symbolic description of fact: The Holocaust is a bitter wine in a broken glass. It's idea start taking elements of the course, specifically the general and personal interpretation of the word "Lager" bitter (Lager Norderney)

Nazi concentration camp on Alderney, in the Channel Islands. I must clarify that during the course, I interpreted, different definitions of Holocaust and assimilated as a bitter event for both, the memory of the victims, and to the description that gave teachers.

Explanatory note (Lager Norderney) is the technical reference and not the perception that I left from the course and its protagonists to be a bitter episode. These concentration camps particularities with names of beers or inspired names, It Could takes out to the question: What is the Holocaust ?. To me, the Holocaust is a bitter drink wine in a broken, bitter wine; means the reality of the facts stated in the course, we can not avoid, is and was a reality with huge degree of cruelty and  desire for destruction, where many resources and people committed to carry out. Humanity will have to continue drinking the bitter wine of the Holocaust, even if, despite of  we do not like and want to ignore. The broken cup means the pain, the blood still flows from the soul of the victims, a fact that will always cause pain, sadness and wounded humanity also introducing our being, also the broken glass is a way to communicate pain and damage that can cause inadequate addressing of the barbaric events of the Holocaust, by way of sharing the facts. Our personal form of interpretation, can cause direct or collateral damage to dangerously reverse the judgments of personal opinion, than, we have about the Holocaust and how as such as presented to the general public. 

Jorge Enrique Moncada Angel 

 Fuente: Revista virtual de opinión pública

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